English Language Arts
The English Department FacultyC. Beghuin https://mscbeghuin.weebly.com/
P. Bussey https://pamlenabussey.wixsite.com/cvrhs
S. Chartrand https://mssayard.weebly.com/
R. Dolmat contact at rdolmat@nfsb.qc.ca
R. Filiatrault https://rfiliatrault.wixsite.com/cvrhs
C. Gallinger https://mrsgallingersclass.pbworks.com/
S. Georgaklis georgakliscvr.pbworks.com
D. Gervasi gervasicvr.pbworks.com
K. Hardy https://hardysite.my.canva.site/
J. Langlois englishcvrlanglois.weebly.com
N. McGrath https://mcgrathcvr.weebly.com/
M. Sauvé, Chair msauveenglish.com
Gr. 8 posters w/ Ms. Hardy, inspired by the Two Wolves slide. |
"10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation" with Celeste Headlee |
To deepen and develop students' discussion skills and overall performance, Miss Hardy's Grade 8 English classes sought insight from this TED talk. Great for anyone interested in improving communication in their lives.
Gr. 11 memes w/ Ms. Sauve. Part of the era project. |
Gr. 11 novel infographics with Ms. Sauve as a part of the era project. |
Department Policies & Documents
Ministry Documents
https://www.ateq.org/resources/qep-and-curriculum-resources/ |