STUDENT COALITION is the political and democratic voice of the student body. The Coalition takes action on behalf of students based on their needs. Each year we enact a project to help better school life at CVR. Two grade 11 students sit on CVR’s Governing Board as voting members.
Our representives for 2016 - 2017 are Émilie Daoust-Crevier and Laurence Gaudreau.
Our representives for 2016 - 2017 are Émilie Daoust-Crevier and Laurence Gaudreau.
Activities accomplished in past years are the following:
- Working with the Cafeteria staff and Aramark on healthy choices such as bringing back the salad bar and panini bar
- Adding microwaves for students who bring their lunches to be able to heat up their food
- Working with CVR administration and maintenance to improve the quality of the student washroom facilities
- The "Think Before You Click" campaign to encourage students to reflect on what they post before they post.
- This year, we branched out to include a CVR group which focused on creating our logo, this page, our constitution, delivering the TTFM student presentation, and our action plan this year to introduce new CVR apparel available to all students.
Watch this promotional video which advertises what Coalition does:
See the student presentation of the TTFM results and what CVR is working on: